CBD lowers blood sugar levels and prevents type 1 diabetes by stimulating regulatory TH2 cell responses. In addition, CBD tested in lab mice show potential to neutralize the body’s sugar imbalances.
What is CBD?
CBD is short for Cannabidiol, an abundant cannabinoid extracted from Cannabis plants. That is, CBD is a chemical compound which is an active principle in Cannabis. Roughly, about 40% of the cannabis plant offers CBD. Most CBD is extracted from the plant’s leaves, with little to no extraction from the hemp seeds nor stems.
CBD is an important compound as there are many know medicinal benefits, such as reducing seizures, protecting the nervous system, and lowering blood sugar levels (more below). In 1940, CBD was discovered. Initially, users were unaware of the hidden benefits this non-psychoactive compound offered. Recently, CBD has gained much attention as Cannabis has been legalized in several States and new research is surfacing. For example, CBD is researched not only for diabetes, but also for epilepsy, nausea, pain relief, anxiety, arthritis, and several other medical illnesses.
CBD Lowers Blood Sugar Levels by Inducting TH2 Cells
CBD lowers blood sugar levels and prevents type 1 diabetes by inducting TH2 cell responses. The human body has both TH1 and TH2 regulatory cells. The acronym stands for T helper 1 and T helper 2 cells.
TH1 and TH2 cells are mutually suppressing within the human body. Meaning, that you need a balance between these two types of helper T cells and one cannot suppress or dominate the other. Several studies indicate that individuals with type 1 diabetes show a shift towards a TH1 response verses TH2.
Individuals with type 1 diabetes show TH1 cell dominance. CBD can lower blood sugar levels by increasing the levels of TH2 and creating balance. This is not only important for our bodies to create antibody responses essential to the resistance of microbial antigens, but also preventing the body’s immune system from destroying beta cells. As a result, sugar levels within the blood stay at a normal level assuming the individual is following a healthy diet.
In addition, studies with diabetic mice indicate that Cannabinoid receptor interactions with CBD and CBC (another compound found in cannabis) may neutralize the body’s over-reaction to blood sugar disorders.
CBD lowers blood sugar levels and prevents type 1 diabetes. Additionally, CBD is a natural solution that protects the nervous system and prevents cancerous cell form generating. To learn more about the 11 CBD Benefits as well as potential side-effects, please visit our full CBD Benefits & Side Effects article.